Home School Agreement
This document expresses the willingness of all parties concerned with Lady Lumley’s school to work together to achieve the best education for every student.
The role of the school is:
- To provide a supportive learning environment with excellent teaching and learning opportunities.
- To have high expectations of all students; encourage and challenge them and set appropriate and achievable standards in both work and behaviour.
- To provide a caring, healthy and safe environment in which students are treated with dignity and respect.
- To be consistent and fair in matters of discipline whilst recognising the need to provide equality of opportunity and being aware of students’ individual circumstances.
- To encourage parents to be actively involved in their child’s education.
- To keep parents and carers informed about the school through the weekly newsletter, the student’s School Planner, marked work, reports and consultation evenings.
The role of parents is:
- To ensure that their child attends school and is punctual and properly equipped.
- To support the school’s policies.
- To read and sign their child’s School Planner each week.
- To attend their child’s parents’ consultation evenings.
- To notify the school on the first day of absence.
- To inform the school about changes to contact details and family circumstances.
- To contact the school with any concerns.
The role of students is:
- To know and follow the school rules.
- To ensure mobile phones are not seen or used on the school site.
- To ensure no photographs are taken and shared of students in school uniform.
- To be responsible for their own learning, complete all learning and actively ensure any missed learning is completed.
- To help the learning of others.
- To enjoy being at school and allow others to enjoy it too.