Summer 24 GCE/GCSE certificates are now ready for collection at reception

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Summer 24 GCE/GCSE certificates are now ready for collection at reception

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For Parents and Carers


Examination Results Days

The examination results dates for 2025 are –

GCE/BTEC examination results will be issued on Thursday 14th August 
GCSE/BTEC examination results will be issued on Thursday 21st August 

If you are unable to collect your exam results personally, it is possible to make alternative arrangements. You can designate someone else to collect them on your behalf by completing the permission to collect results form below. The designated person needs to bring proof of identity and the completed form to enable us to release your exam results. Alternatively you can request for your exam results to be posted home by completing the permission to post results form below. You must include a stamped addressed envelope and a copy of the permission form and return to the Exam Office in advance.  


Examination Certificates

Students will receive their certificates during a prizegiving evening later in the year.

Students are asked to make arrangements to collect their certificates. Please can you email the Exam Officer at to confirm when it is convenient for you to collect them.

If you are unable to collect your certificates personally, it is possible to make alternative arrangements, as long as these are received in writing in advance of your request.

What happens if I do not collect my certificates?

Please be aware that certificates only need to be retained by the school for 12-months before they are securely destroyed. Therefore, it is important that you collect your certificates as soon as possible, by arrangement with the exams office, to ensure that you do not have to pay for expensive replacements. Ex-students who believe they may have certificates held by the school should email requesting advice on whether their certificates are available, giving the following information:

  • Full Legal Name at the time the exams were taken
  • Date of Birth
  • Year of leaving Lady Lumley’s School

Where certificates are held by the school and you are unable to collect them (by appointment) in person, it is possible to make alternative arrangements, as long as these are received in writing in advance of your request.

Replacement certificates

Where certificates are no longer held by the school, it is possible to obtain replacements. Details of how to obtain replacements are available from There is a charge per certificate for obtaining replacements.

Examination Subjects – Awarding Bodies 2020-2021


GCSE Subject 2024/25 Subject Code Exam Board
Art and Design (Fine Art) C651QS Eduqas
Computer Science J277 OCR
Design and Technology  8552 AQA
BTEC L1/2 Tech Award in Digital Information Technology   BTEC Pearson/Edexcel
Drama  C690QS Eduqas
English Language  C700QS Eduqas
English Literature  C720QS Eduqas
Food Preparation and Nutrition  8585 AQA
French  8658 AQA
Geography  1GB0 Edexcel/Pearson
German  8668 AQA
BTEC L1/2 Tech Award in Health and Social Care   BTEC Pearson/Edexcel
History  8145 AQA
Mathematics  1MA1 Edexcel/Pearson
Media Studies  C680QS Eduqas
Music  1MU0 Edexcel/Pearson
Religious Studies  1RB0 Edexcel/Pearson
Science Combined  1SC0 Edexcel/Pearson
Sport 1PE0 Edexcel/Pearson

GCE Subject 2024/25 Subject Code Exam Board
Art and Design (Fine Art) A651QS Eduqas
Biology 7402 AQA
Business Studies 9BSO Edexcel/Pearson
L3 Mathematics in Context 7MC0 Edexcel/Pearson
Chemistry 7405 AQA
Computer Science H446 OCR
Design Technology 7552 AQA
English Literature A720QS Eduqas
EPQ 7993 AQA
Level 3 Food Science and Nutrition 4563QD Eduqas
French 7652 AQA
Geography 7037 AQA
BTEC National L3 in Health and Social care   BTEC Pearson/Edexcel
History H505 OCR
Mathematics 9MA0 Edexcel/Pearson
Further Mathematics 9FM0 Edexcel/Pearson
Media Studies A680QS Eduqas
Photography A656QS Eduqas
Physics 7408 AQA
Psychology 7182 AQA
Religious Studies 9RS0 Edexcel/Pearson
Sociology 7192 AQA
BTEC National L3 in Sport   BTEC Pearson/Edexcel

Coast and Vale Learning Trust

About Coast and Vale Learning Trust

The Coast and Vale Learning Trust in Scarborough aims to improve education in the locality through establishing coherent and collaborative practice across schools and other educational institutions in the area.

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